Jim Shorkey North Hills Chevrolet

Value Your Trade Online near Pittsburgh, PA

Value Your Trade Online near Pittsburgh, PA

Perhaps there is no longer an incentive to keep your ride when you need a different type of vehicle for yourself. Come to Jim Shorkey North Hills Chevrolet where you can expect to successfully trade in your vehicle. Read the summary below to find out more about our online trade-in tool!


To start our discussion, we’d like to point out a few tips that you should take before trading in your vehicle. In doing so, there might be a slight or even larger increase of your vehicle’s initial appraisal. Whether you’ve had your ride only for a few months or longer than a decade, it will pick up dirt and grime on its exterior. Also, the constant traffic inside and out of your automobile eventually leaves outdoor particles on the floor and seats. We ask that you clean your set of wheels as much as possible. Afterward, give your ride the spotlight it deserves by taking photos and videos of it to send us. Recollect any maintenance documents of the entire lifetime of your vehicle to present to us as well.

Why Choose Jim Shorkey North Hills Chevrolet?

If you are not informed of the benefits of trading with us at Jim Shorkey North Hills Chevrolet, we understand if doing so appears intimidating. The good news is that it is the opposite, because, for starters, there is no need to search everywhere for a buyer of your ride. In order to increase your chances of catching the attention of a potential new owner of your ride, you’ll need to create an ad. And there’s no guarantee that you’ll find a buyer soon. None of these scenarios occur when you trade in your ride, since our online tools significantly speed up the process of finding the right appraisal for it. Here in North Hills, our location also caters to making it easier to find a ride from our inventory as well.

Value Your Trade Tool

Now that you’ve cleaned up your ride and understand the perks of handing it to us, we’ll now dive into how to use our online trade-in tool. The link that says “KBB Instant Cash Offer!” is found in the Pre-Owned and New dropdown menus. This resource is flexible in that you have the choice to enter in the VIN or license plate number of your ride. The former type of identification is often located on the dashboard, but if it’s not present there, call us and we are able to help you. You’ll only need a handful of more information to complete the form, which, in turn, gives you the appraisal of this ride. If you use this number as a part of your down payment towards your ride in our Payment Calculator tool, expect to see your estimated monthly installments drop.

Jim Shorkey North Hills Chevrolet lets you value your trade online near Pittsburgh, PA, with little effort on your end. Bring your ride to our location to settle for a final appraisal!

Trade In Your Ride With Us!

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